Surya TV

Surya Tv
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Surya TV is the second largest  Malayalam TV channel from Kerala. Surya TV telecasts many entertaining programs as well as Malayalam News. Surya TV is part of Sun Network, South India’s one of the biggest media empire. Surya TV was started telecasting in 1998. Many of its programs enjoy top rating. One of the recent successes of Surya TV is Deal or No Deal, a game show hosted by well known Malayalam movie actor, Mukesh. The show is adapted from the international version of Deal or No Deal.
Surya TV has got well equipped studios in Trivandrum and Kochi. Kiran TV is a sister channel of Surya TV and it is a youth channel. Sun Network, the parent company of Surya TV has got 25 channels to its credit. These channels are available in 25 countries all over the world.

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